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Course Descriptions

ENG 251 - Technical Communication

3 Credits

This course prepares students to produce instructive, informational, technical, and persuasive documents in both printed and digital formats appropriate for various audiences. Students will utilize writing and speaking skills necessary in various technical fields to demonstrate the effective construction of common technical writing genres with an emphasis on clarity, conciseness, and accuracy. Research techniques, information design, effective use of visuals, and preparation and delivery of oral communications will be addressed.

Prerequisite: ENG 101 with a grade of C or better or ENG 200 with a grade of C or better. *These courses do not fulfill the requirements for a Literature elective.

Learning Attributes: WR

New SUNY General Education: SUNY - Communication - Written and Oral, SUNY - Critical Thinking and Reasoning Competency

MCC General Education: MCC-IL - Information Literacy (MIL)

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Apply technical writing conventions, including conciseness, clarity, and accuracy, in the production of a variety of types of technical documents (i. e. proposals, memos, resume, cover letter, technical descriptions, instructions, memo, technical reports)
2. Apply strategies for information and technical design, including principles of document design and appropriate technologies, in the production of written and digital documents
3. Revise and edit documents in response to peer feedback using a standard documentation style
4. Deliver effective oral presentations demonstrating proficiency in presentation technology
5. Clearly convey technical information by adapting to audience and purpose in both oral and written assignments
6. Evaluate various information sources including technological documents and research articles for substance, bias, and intended effect

Course Offered Fall, Spring

Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025